ACU Centre for Languages

ACU Centre for Languages

Learn to speak English with confidence. Our English language courses can start you on the path to an ACU degree, prepare you to speak English in the workplace, or help you succeed in your IELTS or OET exams.

ACU Centre for Languages Fees

How much does it cost to attend ACU Centre for Languages?
ACU Centre for Languages Fees

Understanding your fees shouldn't be hard, so we have made our English language course tuition fees simple to understand. Our payment processes are easy and we’re here to provide help and support, every step of the way.

How much it costs to study with us

Our English language course costs are based on the number of weeks you will be taking classes.

The complete cost will be confirmed in your letter of offer. But you can easily calculate your fees based on the weekly cost of each of our language courses.











General English (GE)

B, M, N



English for the Workplace




English for Academic Purposes


B, M, N



IELTS Preparation Test

B, M, N



OET Preparation

B, M, N





Other expenses

International students studying in Australia on a tourist visa must pay for compulsory health insurance. The Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) cost will be included in your letter of offer.

If you are applying for a student visa, you will need to show evidence that you have paid the OSHC cost. Read more about the OSHC

Please be aware that your course fees do not cover:

  • flights to and from Australia
  • airport transfers
  • accommodation and living expenses
  • textbooks and learning materials

To learn more about some of these costs, visit our arriving and living in Australia page.

Find out more about arriving and living in Australia



How to pay your English language course fees

If you’ve been offered a place in one of our English language courses, you can secure your spot by paying your fees.

There are a number of different ways you can do this.


Pay by credit card (new students only)

Our international student payment form allows you to pay by credit card.

Please note: This form is only for new students. Current students should pay through Student Connect. Pay now with our international student payment form


Pay with Flywire

You can organise an international bank transfer with Flywire, either online or through your bank.

You can also pay FlyWire directly with a credit card.

Pay through Flywire


Pay by bank transfer within Australia

If you’re already in Australia, you can pay through a direct bank transfer. International transfers should be paid through the Flywire website as above.

Please include the reference number found in the top left of your letter of offer.

View our bank transfer details


Need help? Contact us

Do you need more information or help paying your fees? We have dedicated staff who are here to help.

Email our international finance team

