

Education Agent Nomination and Authorisation

You must complete this form if you have appointed a University of Melbourne education agent to assist you with your application to the University of Melbourne. The form MUST BE COMPLETED BY THE APPLICANT and not the education agent.

By completing this form you are:

  • Authorising the education agent nominated in SECTION B to act on your behalf for this eApplication; and
  • Agreeing to information relevant to your application, visa and admission being released to the education
  • agent. Your education agent will be included in all correspondence regarding the progress of your
  • application.

Before completing this form, review and note the information and any restrictions outlined at

If you have already authorised an education agent to manage your application and are changing to another education agent, you will be required to provide further information including the reasons for changing agents in SECTION C.

- 英語で情報を入力してください
あなたの年齢が 18 歳未満の場合は、保護者がこのフォームに記入する必要があります。