원예 감독자 또는 전문가(ANZSCO 363114)

Saturday 11 November 2023

호주로 이민하는 것은 더 나은 기회와 높은 생활 수준을 추구하는 많은 사람들의 꿈입니다. 호주는 호주를 자신의 집으로 삼고 싶어하는 숙련된 근로자, 학생, 가족을 위해 다양한 비자 옵션을 제공합니다. 이 종합 가이드에서는 호주의 다양한 주와 준주에 대한 이민 절차, 비자 옵션, 요건을 살펴보겠습니다.

이민 절차

호주로 이민을 원하는 신청자는 해당 국가에 있는 호주 대사관에 사건을 접수하여 이민 절차를 시작해야 합니다. 이 초기 단계는 신청자의 이민 의도를 확립하고 절차를 시작하기 때문에 매우 중요합니다.

이민 절차를 완료하려면 신청자는 다음 필수 서류를 호주 대사관에 제출해야 합니다.


교육 문서

지원자는 자신의 자격과 기술을 입증하기 위해 학위, 졸업장, 성적 증명서 등의 교육 서류를 제공해야 합니다.

개인 문서

신청자의 신원과 배경을 확인하려면 출생 증명서, 결혼 증명서, 경찰 허가 증명서를 포함한 개인 문서가 필요합니다.

재무 서류

지원자는 재정적 안정성과 호주에서 자립할 수 있는 능력을 입증하기 위해 은행 잔고 증명서, 고용 계약서, 세금 신고서 등의 재정 서류를 제공해야 합니다.

여권 및 사진

입국 절차를 위해서는 유효한 여권과 최근 여권 크기의 사진이 필수적입니다. 이 서류는 신원 확인 및 여행 목적으로 사용됩니다.

비자 옵션

호주는 호주로 이민하려는 개인을 위해 다양한 비자 옵션을 제공합니다. 인기 있는 비자 옵션은 다음과 같습니다:

기술 독립 비자(Subclass 189)

독립 기술 비자(Skilled Independent Visa)는 고용주, ​​주 또는 지역으로부터 스폰서나 지명을 받지 못한 기술 근로자에게 인기 있는 비자 옵션입니다. 그러나 직업 자격 기준이 적용되며 지원자는 포인트 테스트 요구 사항을 충족해야 합니다.

기술 지명 비자(Subclass 190)

기술 지명 비자를 통해 숙련된 근로자는 호주의 특정 주 또는 테리토리에서 거주하고 일할 수 있습니다. 지원자는 주 또는 준주 정부 기관에 의해 지명되어야 하며 직업 및 포인트 테스트 요구 사항을 충족해야 합니다.

기술직 지역 비자(Subclass 491)

기술직 지역 비자(Skilled Work Regional Visa)는 숙련된 근로자가 호주 지방 지역에서 거주하고 일하도록 장려하기 위해 고안되었습니다. 지원자는 주 또는 준주 정부 기관이 지명하거나 지정된 지역에 거주하는 적격 가족 구성원의 후원을 받아야 합니다.

가족 후원 비자(Subclass 491)

가족 후원 비자를 통해 숙련된 근로자는 호주 시민권자, 영주권자 또는 자격을 갖춘 뉴질랜드 시민권자 가족 구성원이 후원할 의사가 있는 경우 호주의 지정된 지역에서 거주하고 일할 수 있습니다.

대학원 취업 비자(Subclass 485)

대학원 취업 비자는 호주에서 학업을 마치고 자신의 전공 분야와 관련된 업무 경험을 얻고자 하는 유학생에게 제공됩니다. 이 비자를 통해 그들은 일시적으로 호주에 거주하고 일할 수 있습니다.

호주는 또한 임시 기술 부족 비자, 고용주 지명 제도 비자, 비즈니스 혁신 및 투자 비자, 파트너 비자 등 다양한 비자 옵션을 제공합니다. 각 비자에는 특정한 자격 기준과 요구 사항이 있습니다.

주/준주 추천

호주의 여러 주와 준주에는 자체 추천 프로그램과 자격 기준이 있습니다. 신청자는 각 주 또는 준주의 요구 사항을 이해하는 것이 중요합니다. 주요 정보 중 일부는 다음과 같습니다.

주/준주 자격 요약

이 섹션에서는 오스트레일리아 수도 특별구(ACT), 뉴사우스웨일스(NSW), 노던 테리토리(NT), 퀸즈랜드(QLD), 남호주(SA), 태즈메이니아(TAS), 빅토리아(VIC), 서호주(WA).

직업 목록 및 비자 가능 여부

각 주 또는 준주에서는 수요가 있는 직업을 간략하게 설명하는 자체 직업 목록을 유지합니다. 이 목록은 주 또는 준주 지명 신청자의 자격을 결정합니다. 또한 이 섹션에서는 각 직업 및 계열에 대한 비자 가용성에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.

특정 주/준주 요구 사항

호주 수도 특별구(ACT)

이 섹션에서는 일반 요구 사항, 캔버라 거주자, 해외 지원자에 대한 요구 사항, 박사 학위 간소화된 지명 및 상당한 경제적 이익을 포함하여 ACT 후보 자격 요구 사항에 대한 자세한 정보를 제공합니다.

뉴 사우스웨일스(NSW)

NSW 지명에 관심이 있는 지원자는 기술 직업 목록, NSW에 거주하는 기술 근로자에 ​​대한 자격 기준, 해외 지원자 및 NSW 대학 졸업생에 대한 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다.

노던 테리토리(NT)

이 섹션에서는 NT 거주자, 해외 지원자 및 NT 졸업생에 대한 요구 사항을 포함하여 NT 추천에 대한 일반적인 요구 사항을 간략하게 설명합니다. 또한 NTOMOL(NT Offshore Migration Occupation List)에 대한 정보도 제공합니다.


QLD 지명을 원하는 지원자는 기술 직업 목록, QLD에 거주하는 숙련된 근로자에 ​​대한 요구 사항, 해외 지원자 및 QLD 대학 졸업생에 대한 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다. 또한 지역 QLD의 중소기업 소유주에 대한 특정 요구 사항도 포함되어 있습니다.


이 섹션에서는 SA의 기술 직업 목록, 남호주 졸업생, SA에서 근무하는 사람, 고도로 숙련되고 재능 있는 개인에 대한 요구 사항에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.


TAS 지명에 관심이 있는 신청자는 주요 역할 목록, 태즈메이니아 내륙 기술 직업 목록(TOSOL) 및 해외 기술 직업 프로필(OSOP)에 대한 정보를 찾을 수 있습니다. 또한 경로 1 및 경로 2 지원자를 위한 특정 요구 사항도 포함되어 있습니다.


이 섹션에서는 VIC의 기술 직업 목록, 기술 지명 비자(하위 클래스 190), 기술 취업 지역(임시) 비자(하위 클래스 491) 및 패스트 트랙 지명 직업에 대한 요구 사항에 대한 정보를 제공합니다.


WA 지명을 원하는 지원자는 직업 목록(WASMOL 일정 1 및 2 및 대학원), 일반 요구 사항, 일반 스트림 및 대학원 스트림에 대한 자격 기준에 대한 정보를 확인할 수 있습니다.


호주 이민은 개인에게 높은 생활 수준을 경험하고 다양한 기회를 누릴 수 있는 기회를 제공합니다. 이 종합 안내서는 이민 절차, 비자 옵션, 주/준주 요건에 대한 귀중한 정보를 제공합니다. 개인은 이용 가능한 요구 사항과 옵션을 이해함으로써 정보에 입각한 결정을 내리고 이민 절차를 성공적으로 진행하여 호주에서 생활하고 일하는 목표를 달성할 수 있습니다.

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist

DAMAThis occupation is eligible for DAMANo Shortage / 2023 Skills Priority List:
Current Demand / Future Demand
Skill Level  3  Assessing Authority  N/AN/AMinimum points Last invitation Round 25/05/2023 (Subclass 189):
No invitations were given

State/Territory Eligibility Summary Table

State/Territory NominationVisa Subclass 190  Visa Subclass 491  
ACTAustralian Capital Territory  
NSWNew South Wales  
NTNorthern Territory (NT Residents & Graduates)  
NTNorthern Territory (Offshore: Priority Occupation)  
QLDQueensland (Living in QLD)  
QLDQueensland (Offshore)  
SASouth Australia (Graduates)  
SASouth Australia (Working in SA)  
SASouth Australia (Highly Skilled & Talented)  
SASouth Australia (Offshore)  
TASTasmanian Skilled Employment  
TASTasmanian Skilled Graduate  
TASTasmanian Established Resident  
TASTasmanian Business Operator  
TASOverseas Applicant (Job Offer)  
TASOverseas Applicant (OSOP) – Invitation Only  
WAWestern Australia - WASMOL Schedule 1  
WAWestern Australia - WASMOL Schedule 2  
WAWestern Australia - Graduate  
  • Occupation is IN the State/Territory Skilled Occupation List and MAY be eligible if you meet the specific State/Territory nomination requirements
  • Occupation is IN the Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL list) and MAY be eligible if you meet the State/Territory nomination requirements
  • Occupation MAY NOT be eligible
  • Stream NOT applicable to the visa Subclass
  • Migration Program currently CLOSED

State/Territory Eligibility Details

Australian Capital Territory

ACT Critical Skills List

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist
Subclass 190Subclass 491Nomination places available per month

General Requirements

Candidates must register their interest in ACT nomination by completing a score-based Canberra Matrix
Candidates may be nominated under four streams:

  • Canberra Residents
  • Overseas Applicants
  • Doctorate Streamlined nomination
  • Significant economic benefit

Requirements for Canberra Residents

Candidates applying for Subclass 190 nomination must:

  • Have an occupation on the ACT Critical Skills List; or be the primary holder of a 457/482 visa sponsored by an ACT employer for the last 6 months; or be the majority owner of an eligible ACT business claiming Matrix points in the Small Business Owner category.
  • Have lived in Canberra for the last 6 months and continue until invitation.
  • Have worked in Canberra for at least 26 weeks (overall hourly and/or earnings requirements apply).
  • Have ‘Proficient’ or ‘Superior’ English (ANZSCO 351311 Chef, and ANZSCO skill level 3 to 5 are exempt).

Candidates applying for Subclass 491 nomination must:

  • Have an occupation on the ACT Critical Skills List; or be the primary holder of a 457/482 visa sponsored by an ACT employer for the last 3 months; or be the majority owner of an eligible ACT business claiming Matrix points in the Small Business Owner category.
  • Have lived in Canberra for the last 3 months and continue until invitation.
  • Have worked in Canberra for at least 13 weeks (overall hourly and/or earnings requirements apply).
  • Have ‘Competent’ English.

Requirements for Overseas Applicants

Candidates applying for Subclass 190 nomination must:

  • Have an occupation on the ACT Critical Skills List.
  • Have at least three years full time, post graduate relevant work experience in your nominated occupation in the last five years.
  • Have researched the ACT labour market and be satisfied with being employable in Canberra.
  • Have ‘Proficient’ or ‘Superior’ English (ANZSCO 351311 Chef, and ANZSCO skill level 3 to 5 are exempt).
  • Be living overseas and have not lived in Australia for the last 12 months.
  • Have access to sufficient settlement funds.

Candidates applying for Subclass 491 nomination must:

  • Have an occupation on the ACT Critical Skills List.
  • Have at least one year full time, post graduate relevant work experience in your nominated occupation in the last five years.
  • Have researched the ACT labour market and be satisfied with being employable in Canberra.
  • Have ‘Competent’ English.
  • Be living overseas and have not lived in Australia for the last 12 months.
  • Have access to sufficient settlement funds.

Doctorate Streamlined nomination

Candidates must:

  • Have lived in Canberra for the last 12 months (interstate and overseas residents may be eligible if they completed their doctoral degree from an ACT within the last two years).
  • Have completed a professional or research doctoral degree at an ACT university.

Significant economic benefit

  • Invitation can ONLY be initiated by the ACT government.

New South Wales

This occupation is NOT included in the Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL and ROL) and may not be eligible for nomination.

Subclass 190 Basic Eligibility criteria

  • Have an occupation on the Department’s relevant Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL).
  • Candidates must be currently residing in NSW or Offshore and have continuously done so for a minimum of 6 months.
  • Have submitted an EOI seeking Subclass 190 nomination for NSW only

NSW Target Sectors

To more effectively respond to changing skills shortages across the state, NSW is transitioning from the publication of an eligible ANZSCO skilled list to adopting a sector-focused approach.

The sectors identified as experiencing critical skills shortages in NSW include:

  • Health
  • Education
  • Information and Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Infrastructure
  • Agriculture

Important: Although NSW prioritizes target sectors, high-ranking EOIs submitted in non-priority sectors may also be considered. However, it's important to understand that the chances of receiving an invitation are exceptionally low due to high demand and limited spots.

Subclass 491 Basic Eligibility criteria

The details below are for the 2022-23 Skilled Work Regional visa (subclass 491) program year. Information regarding the eligibility criteria and application process for NSW nomination in the 2023-24 program year will be available soon.

Candidates may be nominated under two pathways:

  • Pathway 1 – Apply directly to an RDA office (see participating regions below).
    • Stream A - Established work history with a regional NSW-based employer
    • Stream B - My skills are required in regional NSW
  • Pathway 2 – Be invited by Investment NSW.

Requirements for Pathway 1 - Stream A

  • Candidates must have an eligible occupation.
  • Candidates must be currently living and working in a designated regional area of NSW and have continuously done so for the past 12 months.
  • The qualifying employment must be in the nominated (or closely related) occupation, with the same employer, deemed skilled by NSW and paid a minimum of $53,900 (pro-rated if under 38 hours/week).

Requirements for Pathway 1 - Stream B

  • Candidates must have an eligible occupation within an ANZSCO on the NSW Skills Lists (Pathway 1 - Stream B).
  • Candidates must be currently residing in NSW or Offshore and have continuously done so for a minimum of 3 months.

Requirements for Pathway 2

  • Candidates must have an eligible occupation within an ANZSCO on the NSW Skills Lists (Pathway 2)
  • Candidates must be currently residing in NSW or Offshore and have continuously done so for a minimum of 3 months.

Participating regions for Pathway 1 are:

The above is a summary of key/essential eligibility criteria; it is not an exhaustive list of requirements. You are encouraged to check all criteria on the relevant State/Territory website.

Northern Territory

Due to insufficient nomination allocations provided by the Australian Government for the current program year (2023-24), the NT Government is unable to accept new subclass 190 nomination applications at present. Those who meet relevant criteria will be offered a subclass 491 nomination. Read more
This occupation is NOT included in the Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL and ROL) and may not be eligible for nomination.

General Requirements

Candidates may be nominated under three streams/pathways:

Requirements for NT Residents

Candidates must:

  • Have been residing in the NT for at least 12 consecutive months, with no migrating dependants residing in another part of Australia.
  • Demonstrate full-time employment in the NT in an eligible occupation (i.e., nominated occupation or related to it) for at least 6 consecutive months immediately before applying (the employment must be available for at least 12 months). If the occupation is not “an eligible occupation”, a candidate may exceptionally still be considered if employed in health, aged or disabled care, education (incl. childcare), and hospitality.
  • Demonstrate that the position is based in the NT (serviced office spaced or hot desking generally not accepted) and the employer has been training for at least 12 months in the NT.

Requirements for Offshore Applicants

Candidates must:

  • Have post-qualification work experience of at least 1 year in the nominated occupation (additional work experience may be required under the priority occupations stream).
  • Demonstrate a genuine commitment to live and work in NT.
  • Provide evidence of financial capacity.
  • Meet the criteria relevant to one of the 3 streams:

  • Priority occupation stream

    • Have an occupation on the Northern Territory Offshore Migration Occupation List (NTOMOL).
    • Meet any additional work experience required as specified on the NTOMOL. Please, see below:

    NT Offshore Migration Occupations List (NTOMOL)

    363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist
    Subclass 190Subclass 491Comments

    NT Family stream

    • Have an eligible family member in the NT who is a usual resident and has lived in the NT for at least 12 months. This person must be an Australian citizen, a permanent resident, or an Eligible New Zealand citizen or hold an eligible visa (Subclass 491, 494, 489 or a bridging visa associated with an application for a Subclass 887 or 191 visa). The eligible relative must confirm their willingness to provide settlement support.
    • Demonstrate genuine and sustained efforts to obtain employment from an NT employer.

    NT Job Offer stream

    • Have a job offer in the nominated occupation in an NT business that has been actively operating in the NT for at least 12 months.

NT Graduates

Candidates must:

  • Have completed two years of study in the NT.
  • Have completed one or more qualifications at an NT-based institution in a single tertiary course or a set of nested tertiary courses.
  • Demonstrate genuine and sustained efforts to obtain employment from an NT employer in the nominated occupation.

Candidates who:

  • hold a Graduate (Subclass 485) visa that expires after 1 July 2024 or who are eligible to apply for a Graduate (Subclass 485) visa, are unlikely to be offered a nomination in this program year.
  • are working in their nominated occupations or in critical sectors (healthcare, education and hospitality) would be prioritised.
The above is a summary of key/essential eligibility criteria; it is not an exhaustive list of requirements. You are encouraged to check all criteria on the relevant State/Territory website.


2023-24 Queensland Skilled Migration Program

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist
TypeSubclass 190Subclass 491Minimum post-qualification work experience requirement
Offshore candidates (QSOL list)
Living in QLD (Skilled List)

General Requirements

Candidates may be nominated under four streams:

Requirements for 'Skilled workers living in QLD'

Candidates must:

  • Have a points-test result of 75 or higher for Subclass 190 (except for Trades occupations, which require 70 or higher) or, 65 or higher for Subclass 491.
  • Have an occupation on the Department’s relevant Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL).
  • Have Competent English or higher (6.0 on IELTS / 50 on PTE).
  • Have been living in QLD (regional for Subclass 491), undertaking full-time post-qualification employment (30 hrs/week) in the nominated occupation for ‘3 months immediately before EOI lodgement’ for Subclass 190 or, ‘at the time of your EOI lodgement’ for Subclass 491.
  • Provide evidence of ongoing full-time employment in QLD for a further 12 months for Subclass 190 or, 6 months for Subclass 491 (virtual office is not accepted).

Skilled workers living in QLD

Requirements for 'Skilled workers living Offshore'

Candidates must:

  • Have a points-test result of 75 or higher for Subclass 190 (except for Trades occupations, which require 70 or higher) or, 65 or higher for Subclass 491.
  • Have an eligible occupation on the ‘Queensland Skilled Occupation List’ (QSOL).
  • Have Competent English or higher (6.0 on IELTS / 50 on PTE).
  • Provide evidence of the required years of post-study work experience as per the QSOL and be employed in the nominated occupation when invited.

Skilled workers living Offshore

Requirements for 'Graduates of a QLD university'

Candidates must:

  • Have a points-test result of 75 or higher for Subclass 190 or, 65 or higher for Subclass 491.
  • Have an occupation on the Department’s relevant Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL).
  • Be living in Queensland (regional for Subclass 491).
  • Have Competent English or higher (6.0 on IELTS / 50 PTE).
  • Have completed 100% of their studies in Queensland and graduated in the last two years.
  • Meet the additional criteria for their qualification level as indicated below.

PhD or Doctorate Graduates (190 and 491) must:

  • Have had a positive decision on their thesis.

Master’s Graduates in STEM or Agriculture fields (190 and 491) must:

  • Be employed full-time (30 hrs/week) in the nominated occupation (or ANZSCO Skill Level 1).

Master’s Graduates - not in STEM or Agriculture fields (190 and 491) must:

  • Be employed full-time (30 hrs/week) in the nominated occupation (or ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
  • Have a grade point average of 6.0 or higher for Subclass 190 or 5.0 for Subclass 491.

Bachelor’s Graduates (190 and 491) must:

  • Be employed full-time (30 hrs/week) in the nominated occupation (or ANZSCO Skill Level 1).
  • Have a grade point average of 6.0 or higher for Subclass 190 or 5.0 for Subclass 491.

Graduates of a QLD University

Requirements for 'Small business owners in regional QLD'

Candidates must:

  • Have an occupation on the Department’s relevant Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL).
  • Have full-time work rights and not currently be studying.
  • Be living in regional Queensland.
  • Be working for the business full-time (30 hrs/week)
  • Have 100% ownership of the business.
  • Own and operate a business in regional Queensland.
  • Meet the criteria for Pathway 1 or Pathway 2 as indicated below.

Pathway 1

  • Have purchased an existing business for a minimum of $100,000.
  • The business must be a pre-existing business (operating for a minimum of 2 years) trading for a minimum of six months prior to lodging an Expression of Interest (EOI).
  • The business must employ at least one Australian resident (20 hrs/week) or two employees working 10 hrs/week.

Pathway 2

  • Have started a business and have continuously run that business for a minimum of two years. Must be generating a profit and have a turnover of $200,000 in the 12 months prior to application.

Small Business Owners in regional QLD

The above is a summary of key/essential eligibility criteria; it is not an exhaustive list of requirements. You are encouraged to check all criteria on the relevant State/Territory website.

South Australia

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist

2023-24 South Australia's Skilled Occupation List

StreamSubclass 190Subclass 491Minimum Points
Working in South AustraliaNN
Highly Skilled & TalentedNN

General Requirements

To be selected to apply for State nomination, most candidates must complete and submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) for South Australia via their Migration portal.

Candidates may be nominated under four streams:

Requirements for 'South Australian Graduates'

Candidates must:

  • Have an occupation under the Graduate stream on South Australia’s Skilled Occupation list.
  • Currently live and work in South Australia.
  • Have at least Competent English.
  • Have completed their qualification at a South Australian education. The course must be CRICOS registered with a minimum of 46 CRICOS weeks and meet the minimum qualification level listed for the occupation on South Australia’s Skilled Occupation list. At least 50% of the qualification must have been completed in SA, and the candidate must have resided in the State for at least 1 year during their studies.
  • Have been residing in South Australia for at least the last 12 months.
  • Have been working for the last 6 months and be currently employed (at least 30 hr/week). Employment must be related to the nominated occupation.

South Australian Graduates

Requirements for 'Working in South Australia'

Candidates must:

  • Have an occupation under the Working in SA stream on South Australia’s Skilled Occupation list.
  • Currently live and work in South Australia.
  • Have at least Competent English.
  • Have been residing in South Australia for at least the last 12 months.
  • Have been working for the last 6 months and be currently employed (at least 30 hr/week). Employment must be related to the nominated occupation.

Working in South Australia

Requirements for 'Highly Skilled and Talented'

Candidates must:

  • Currently live and work in South Australia, interstate or overseas.
  • Have at least Competent English.
  • Meet employment requirements if working or have been offered a position in South Australia. Employer requirements include an existing business of at least 12 months, located and operating in SA for the past 12 months and with an annual turnover of at least $4 million unless an exception applies.
  • Meet additional requirements if:
    • Candidate with Hi-Tech or Digital industry experience, including at least 2 years of experience in one of South Australia’s critical technology professions.
    • Candidate with Defence or Space industry experience, including having already commenced employment in a relevant organisation and currently working full-time in South Australia. Overseas candidates must demonstrate relevant experience and intend to relocate to South Australia.

Highly Skilled and Talented

Requirements for 'Offshore'

Candidates must:

  • Currently residing offshore.



363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist
Occupation Lists EligibilityNotes & caveats
Critical Roles List
Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL)
Overseas Skilled Occupation Profiles (OSOP)


  • Critical Roles List: An occupation included in the 'Critical Roles List' will be prioritised in the Migration Tasmania Gateway.
  • Tasmanian Onshore Skilled Occupation List (TOSOL): An occupation included in the TOSOL is eligible for subclass 190 nomination after 6 months employment in a closely related role. Occupations that are not on the TOSOL are eligible for subclass 190 nomination in the 'Tasmanian Skilled Employment' pathway after 15 months of related employment.
  • Overseas Skilled Occupation Profiles (OSOP): An occupation included in the OSOP list is eligible for the 'Overseas Applicant (OSOP) – Invitation Only' pathway (subclass 491 only).

Pathway Eligibility

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist
PathwaySubclass 190Subclass 491
Tasmanian Skilled Employment
Tasmanian Skilled Graduate
Tasmanian Established Resident
Tasmanian Business Operator
Overseas Applicant (Job Offer)
Overseas Applicant (OSOP) – Invitation Only
  • Occupation is IN the state occupation list and MAY be eligible if you meet the specific state nomination requirements
  • Occupation is IN the Skilled List and MAY be eligible if you meet the state nomination requirements
  • Occupation MAY NOT be eligible
  • Stream NOT applicable to the visa Subclass


Victoria’s 2023-24 Skilled Visa Nomination Program

To be selected to apply for Victorian skilled visa nomination, candidates must complete and submit a Registration of Interest (ROI) for Victorian State Visa Nomination.

All occupations included in the Skilled List(MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL list) are eligible for nomination if the candidate meets the Victoria nomination criteria.

This occupation is NOT included in the Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL and ROL) and may not be eligible for nomination.

The following occupation groups are prioritised:

  • Health
  • Social services
  • Information Communication Technology (ICT)
  • Early childhood, primary, secondary, and special education teachers
  • Advanced manufacturing
  • Infrastructure
  • Renewable energy
  • Hospitality and tourism (491 visa only)

General Requirements for 'Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190)'

Candidates applying for Subclass 190 nomination must:

  • Have an occupation on the Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL list).
  • Have had their Registration of Interest (ROI) selected.
  • If onshore, be living in Victoria at the time of nomination.
  • If onshore and claiming earnings from skilled employment in the ROI, the employer must be physically located in Victoria.
  • Be committed to living in Victoria.

General Requirements for 'Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) visa (subclass 491)'

Onshore Candidates must:

  • Have an occupation on the Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL list).
  • Have had their Registration of Interest (ROI) selected.
  • Be living and working in skilled employment in regional Victoria at the time of nomination. Candidates who are not working, or working in non-skilled employment, are not eligible to apply for nomination.
  • Be committed to living in regional Victoria.

Offshore Candidates must:

  • Have an occupation on the Skilled List (MLTSSL, STSOL or ROL list). Offshore candidates for 491 visas with skills in healthcare, social services and education will be prioritised.
  • Have had their Registration of Interest (ROI) selected.
  • Be committed to living in regional Victoria.

Western Australia

Western Australia occupation lists (WASMOL Schedule 1 & 2, and Graduate)

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist
Stream TypeStatusSubclass 190Subclass 491Minimum PointsPriority OccupationComments
Not AvailableNN

General Requirements

Candidates may be nominated under two streams:

Applicants for the General stream must satisfy Schedule 1 or Schedule 2 criteria, depending on their occupation.

Schedule 1 criteria, candidates must have:

  • An occupation on the WASMOL – Schedule 1 (Health & Medical Occupations).
  • Competent English.
  • At least one year of relevant Australian or overseas work experience.
  • At least 6-months full-time contract of employment in Western Australia (only applicable for Subclass 190 visa applicants, and except for those invited through a WA building and construction industry sector occupation).

Schedule 2 criteria, candidates must have:

  • An occupation on the WASMOL – Schedule 2.
  • Competent English.
  • At least 6-months full-time contract of employment in Western Australia (only applicable for Subclass 190 visa applicants, and except for those invited through a WA building and construction industry sector occupation).

WA Graduates must have:

  • An occupation on the GOL.
  • Studied at an accredited Western Australian educational institution, full-time and face-to-face, for at least two years.
  • Completed a Cert. III or higher qualification in a Western Australian university, higher education provider, TAFE, registered training provider or English language provider.
  • Competent English.
The above is a summary of key/essential eligibility criteria; it is not an exhaustive list of requirements. You are encouraged to check all criteria on the relevant State/Territory website.

Migration Program Planning Levels 2023-24

State & Territory Visa Allocations 2023-24

State / TerritoryNominated Subclass 190Work Regional Subclass 491Business Innovation & Investment Program

Skill stream

Visa CategoryAllocations 2022-23Allocations 2023-24
Employer Sponsored35,00036,825
Skilled Independent32,10030,375
State/Territory Nominated31,00030,400
Business Innovation & Investment5,0001,900
Global Talent (Independent)5,0005,000
Distinguished Talent300300
Total Skill stream142,400137,100

Family stream

Visa CategoryAllocations 2022-23Allocations 2023-24
Other Family500500
Total Family stream52,50052,500
Special Eligibility100400
TOTAL Migration Program195,000190,000

2023-2024 Migration Program planning levels

ANZSCO version 1.3, cat. no. 1220.0
Major Group: 3 - Technicians and Trades Workers
Sub-Major Group: 36 - Skilled Animal and Horticultural Workers
Minor Group: 363 -
Unit Group: 3631 -


Supervises or performs specialist roles in horticultural farming operations including the planting, cultivation, harvest and packing of horticultural crops.

Alternative Titles

There are no Alternative Titles for this occupation


There are no Specialisation Titles for this occupation

Alternative titles are any commonly used alternative title (or titles) for the occupation. These alternative titles have the same meaning as the principal title but may be less commonly used.

Specialisation titles are any commonly used titles which refer to a subset of jobs belonging to the occupation designated in the principal title. These jobs involve the performance of specialised tasks rather than the broader range of tasks usually performed in the occupation.

2023 Skills Priority List

The Skills Priority List (SPL) provides a detailed view of occupations in shortage in Australian and by each state and territory. The SPL is released annually by Jobs and Skills Australia

Occupation Ratings: S Shortage; NS No Shortage; R Regional Shortage
National Future Demand:c Below economy average;b At economy average;a Above economy average

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist
National Future DemandNationalACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWA

What is the Skills Priority List (SPL)?
Jobs and Skills Australia – Skills Shortages Analysis

Unit Group 3631:


Indicative Skill Level  3


There are no Tasks associated to this Unit Group.

Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2013, ANZSCO - Australian and New Zealand Standard Classification of Occupations, 2013, Version 1.3, cat. no. 1220.0, https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/abs@.nsf/mf/1220.0 

SkillSelect EOI Backlog

EOI Data Current to 30/09/2023

Total Count EOIs @ 30/09/2023

Visa TypeSubmittedInvitedLodged
188 Business Innovation3,2432,636
189 Skilled Independent123,92226021,018
190 State/Territory Nominated228,59277936,154
491 State/Territory Nominated (Regional)188,64658322,859
491 Family Sponsored4,536<20704

EOIs by Occupation & Visa Type

363114: Horticultural Supervisor or Specialist

189 Skilled Independent

190 State/Territory Nominated

491 State/Territory Nominated

491 Family Sponsored


  • Counts of EOIs with less than 65 points are not shown.
  • Counts which are less than 20 are shown as '<20'.

EOI Status

SUBMITTED an EOI that meets all requirements for all selected visa subclasses and has all fields completed can be submitted. Once submitted, points are attributed to the EOI based on the information provided. Submitted EOIs are eligible for selection in an invitation round.

INVITED an invitation to apply for a visa has been issued.

LODGED a visa application has been lodged using an invitation to apply for a visa.

This data draws from the SkillSelect EOI Dashboard  and is thus as accurate as the information on that source. This information is intended to provide a general overview of the SkillSelect dataset in a specific point in time, rather than a real-time database.
Anzscosearch will provide this information as long as it remains available on the SkillSelect website.

DAMA - Designated Area Migration Agreement

DAMA ListEnglishTSMITAgePR PathwaySkills & Experience
QLDFar North Queensland (FNQ DAMA 1.3)
up to 55
Group 7
QLDThe TNQ (Townsville) DAMA
up to 55
Group 3
WAThe EK (East Kimberley) DAMA
up to 55
Category 3


  • English, TSMIT (Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold), Age, PR Pathway and Skills & Experience are concessions that may be available for this occupation under the relevant DAMA.
  • Skills & Experience requirements vary depending on whether the occupation is on a relevant skilled list as well as its skill level. Check the information available in the corresponding DAR website.
  • The table above literally reproduces the information published by the different Designated Area Representatives (DARs) in their DAMA Occupation lists. Concessions available (e.g PR pathway for applicants under NT DAMA) which have not been included by the DARs in relevant DAMA lists have also not been included above. Users should carefully review all information available in the DAR websites in relation to concessions.

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