Production Nursery Grower (ANZSCO 121614)

Thursday 9 November 2023

The occupation of Production Nursery Grower (ANZSCO 121614) is an important and specialized field in Australia. This occupation involves the cultivation and management of plants in a nursery setting, with the goal of producing high-quality plants for commercial sale.

Production nursery growers play a crucial role in the horticulture industry, as they are responsible for producing a wide range of plants, including flowers, trees, shrubs, and vegetables. They work in nurseries, which are specialized facilities equipped with the necessary infrastructure and resources for plant cultivation.

Job Description

As a production nursery grower, individuals are involved in various tasks related to plant production. This includes selecting and sourcing plant materials, preparing soil mixes, planting seeds or cuttings, watering and fertilizing plants, monitoring plant health, controlling pests and diseases, and maintaining proper environmental conditions for optimal plant growth.

Production nursery growers also need to have knowledge of different plant species, their growth requirements, and their market demand. They need to stay updated with the latest trends and developments in the horticulture industry to ensure the production of marketable and desirable plants.

Skills and Qualifications

To succeed as a production nursery grower, individuals should possess a combination of technical skills, practical experience, and relevant qualifications. Some of the key skills and qualifications required for this occupation include:

Skills Qualifications
Knowledge of plant cultivation techniques Certificate III in Horticulture or related field
Understanding of plant biology and physiology Experience in nursery operations
Ability to identify and control pests and diseases Strong attention to detail
Knowledge of irrigation systems and water management Good problem-solving skills
Effective communication and teamwork Physical stamina and ability to work outdoors

Work Environment

Production nursery growers typically work in nursery facilities, which can vary in size and specialization. These facilities may include greenhouses, shade houses, and outdoor growing areas. The work environment can be physically demanding, as it involves tasks such as lifting heavy pots, bending, and standing for long periods.

Production nursery growers may work in different weather conditions, as they need to tend to plants throughout the year. They may also be required to work on weekends or holidays, especially during peak seasons when plant demand is high.

Job Outlook

The demand for production nursery growers in Australia is expected to remain steady in the coming years. The horticulture industry plays a vital role in the country's economy, and there is a constant need for high-quality plants for landscaping, gardening, and agricultural purposes.

With the increasing focus on sustainability and environmental conservation, there is also a growing demand for native and indigenous plant species. This presents opportunities for production nursery growers to specialize in the cultivation of these plants and contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts.


The occupation of Production Nursery Grower (ANZSCO 121614) is a rewarding and fulfilling career choice for individuals with a passion for plants and horticulture. With the right skills, qualifications, and experience, individuals can thrive in this field and contribute to the growth and development of the horticulture industry in Australia.

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