Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202)

Sunday 5 November 2023


The Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) visa provides individuals who experience significant discrimination or human rights abuses with the opportunity to immigrate to Australia. This visa allows applicants to permanently relocate to Australia with their immediate family members. In this article, we will explore the process, requirements, and advantages of the Global Special Humanitarian visa.


To apply for the Global Special Humanitarian visa, applicants must follow these steps:

1. Eligibility

The applicant must be residing outside their home country and be subject to discrimination that constitutes a severe violation of their human rights. Additionally, the applicant must have a proposer who is an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident, an eligible New Zealand citizen, or an approved proposing organization.

2. Gather Documents

The proposer must provide evidence of their eligibility, such as an Australian birth certificate, certificate of Australian citizenship, proof of permanent residency, or documentation confirming their status as an eligible New Zealand citizen. If the proposer is an immediate family member, additional documents, such as a certified copy of their visa and evidence of the relationship, must be provided.

3. Translate and Scan Documents

Any non-English documents should be translated into English by an accredited translator. All documents, regardless of language, should be scanned or photographed in color and saved as clear files.

4. Apply

Applicants can submit their application online by completing the webform and attaching the required forms (Form 842 - Application for an Offshore Humanitarian visa and Form 681 - Refugee and special humanitarian proposal). Alternatively, applicants can mail their completed paper application and supporting documents to the Special Humanitarian Processing Centre.

5. After Application

Applicants will receive a confirmation of receipt of their application and documents. They may be required to undergo health examinations and provide biometric information. Additional information or an interview may be requested, and applicants may need to pay a second installment if necessary.

6. Visa Outcome

Applicants will receive written notification regarding the decision on their visa application. If the visa is approved, the applicant will be provided with the visa grant number, the visa's start date, and any applicable conditions. If the visa is refused, the reasons for refusal will be provided, along with information on the right to review the decision.

Benefits of the Global Special Humanitarian Visa

The Global Special Humanitarian visa offers several advantages to successful applicants:

1. Permanent Residence

Visa holders can reside in Australia permanently, with their permanent residency commencing on the day they enter Australia on this visa.

2. Work and Study

Visa holders have the right to work and study in Australia, benefiting from the protection of Australian workplace laws.

3. Healthcare

Visa holders can enroll in Australia's public healthcare scheme, Medicare, which grants them access to affordable healthcare services.

4. Family Sponsorship

Visa holders can propose certain family members, including partners, dependent children, and other dependent relatives, for permanent residence in Australia.

5. Travel

Visa holders can travel to and from Australia for a period of five years from the date the visa is granted. After five years, a Resident Return visa may be required for re-entry.

6. Australian Citizenship

If eligible, visa holders can apply for Australian citizenship after meeting the residency requirements.


The Global Special Humanitarian (subclass 202) visa provides a pathway to a fresh start in Australia for individuals who face significant discrimination or human rights abuses. By following the application process and meeting the necessary criteria, applicants can obtain permanent residence, work and study in Australia, propose family members for permanent residence, and enjoy the benefits of living in a diverse and multicultural society.

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