Distinguished Talent visa (subclass 124)

Sunday 5 November 2023

The Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 124) is a pathway to permanent residency in Australia for individuals who have exceptional and outstanding achievements in their field. This article provides detailed information about the application process, eligibility criteria, benefits, and obligations associated with this visa subclass.


To apply for the Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 124), individuals must follow a specific process. Firstly, the applicant must have an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in a profession, sport, the arts, or academia and research. They must then be nominated by an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or an Australian organization with a national reputation in relation to their area of talent. The nomination should ideally come from the peak Australian body of the field. The applicant must be outside Australia when the visa is granted, and the visa processing time varies on a case-by-case basis.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 124), applicants must meet the following criteria:

  1. Internationally Recognized Achievements: Applicants must have an internationally recognized record of exceptional and outstanding achievement in their field and should still be prominent in their area of talent.
  2. Nomination: Applicants must be nominated by an Australian citizen, Australian permanent resident, eligible New Zealand citizen, or an Australian organization with a national reputation in relation to their field of talent.
  3. Age: There is no age restriction for this visa subclass. However, applicants who are under 18 years old or aged 55 years or older must be of exceptional benefit to the Australian community.
  4. English Language: Applicants aged 18 or over must have functional English or pay an additional charge called the second installment.
  5. Health and Character Requirements: Applicants and their family members must meet the health and character requirements set by the Australian government.


The Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 124) offers several benefits to successful applicants, including:

  1. Permanent Residence: This visa allows individuals to stay in Australia permanently and become a permanent resident on the day the visa is granted.
  2. Work and Study: Visa holders can work and study in Australia without any restrictions.
  3. Sponsor Eligible Relatives: Visa holders can sponsor their eligible relatives for permanent residence in Australia.
  4. Medicare: Visa holders can enroll in Australia's public health care scheme, Medicare.
  5. Travel: Visa holders can travel to and from Australia for a period of 5 years from the date the visa is granted. After 5 years, they will need a Resident Return Visa to re-enter Australia as a permanent resident.
  6. Australian Citizenship: If eligible, visa holders can apply for Australian citizenship after a certain period of time.


Once the Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 124) is granted, visa holders and their family members must obey all Australian laws. It is expected that visa holders will contribute to Australia in their field of expertise and make a positive impact on the nation's economic, social, cultural, or academic standing. Visa holders must also be able to establish themselves in Australia by finding work in their field or becoming independently established in their field within the country.


The Distinguished Talent Visa (Subclass 124) provides a pathway to permanent residency in Australia for individuals with exceptional and outstanding achievements in their field. By meeting the eligibility criteria and following the application process, applicants can enjoy the benefits of permanent residence, work and study opportunities, and the ability to sponsor eligible relatives. It is important for visa holders to fulfill their obligations and contribute to Australia's growth and development in their field of expertise.

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