Ep 49: What it’s Like to be a Social Worker in Australia

In this episode of Study in Australia TV, we delve deep into the rewarding yet challenging profession of social work in Australia. Social workers in the country play a pivotal role in addressing issues from child protection to mental health, advocating for social justice, human rights, and community development. To join this noble profession, one requires a Bachelor or Master's degree in Social Work, with both programs offering immersive field placements. Graduates can register with the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) - a vital organization that supports and empowers over 16,000 social workers nationwide. The job prospects for social workers are promising, with a surge in demand expected in the coming years. While the profession promises personal growth and the gratification of making a tangible difference, it also poses challenges like managing emotional distress from traumatic cases. If you're keen to embark on this journey or need guidance, connect with us at Study in Australia TV for insights and assistance.

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